020 3318 0999

IT Support

We can provide a range of services to ensure your office PC’s are error free and up-to date


  • PC clean up
  • Parts replacement
  • Fix corrupt Windows and software


If your computer is behaving strangely, eg. sudden crashes, spikes in performance, or other oddities? There’s a good chance that spyware or viruses are part or much of the problem. We can fix and prevent this occurring in the future.

  • Virus and Spyware removal
  • Install and configure firewalls
  • Ensure network is setup correctly, including wireless


PC upgrades can be a simple and cost-effective way to boost your pc’s performance. We will advise you on whether it’s cost effective to upgrade and what the benefits will be.

We offer:

  • Increase memory, disk space
  • Upgrade Windows versions
  • Install new graphic cards, audio, networks and wireless cards


We can provide onsite support, remote support, phone Support and out of hours support.

Data Backup & Recovery

We can provide the latest backup methods and hardware to ensure you do not lose any of your data.

Our charges start from £40 for the first hour and then £30 thereafter. We also offer a range of contracts to fit your business needs. If interested please contact us using the form or call us on 020 3318 0999.